Cahokia and Etzanoa, Pre-Contact Native American Cities


Native American History Cross Links & Related Resources





Cahokia & Etzanoa


Focus Question: "Why haven't we heard of these settlements before?"



Pronounce Cahokia


Information on Cahokia Mounds


 Link here for an Overview of Cahokia 


Artist's Reconstruction of Monk's Mound at Cahokia.

Cahokia, located in present-day Illinois, was the center of what anthropologists call "Mississippian culture," agricultural communities throughout the Midwestern and southeastern United States between 1000 and 1400.


Cahokia is now the largest archaeological site in the United States.


Timeline of the Cahokia Mounds beginning in 700 AD through 1600 AD.

Teaching Cahokia


Vocabulary of the Site




borrow pit


charnel house





granary house 







Teaching Materials


- Journey to Cahokia (children's book on Cahokia)


- City of the Sun (book on Cahokia for a general audience)


- Cahokia Mounds - Ancient Metropolis (documentary on Cahokia)


- Interactive Map of Cahokia Mounds


More Teaching Resources 

Multimedia Sources on Cahokia 


  A Video from WTVP/PBS on Cahokia Mounds


Back to the City of the Sun: An Augmented Reality Project


What is an Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is technology created to help show something enhanced by technology in the real world.  In this instance, visitors to the Cahokia site can use their phone cameras at specific locations and the program will show them what the Cahokia looked like in the spot they are currently standing.


 A video from the Cahokia Mounds Museum Society that explores the daily lives of the people of the Cahokia sight. 


Free Book Clipart Watch and/or listen to this reading of the picture book Journey to Cahokia: A Boy's Visit to the Great Mound City


For a perspective on Native American history in the Americas prior to European encounters, see Cahokia: Ancient America's Great City on the Mississippi, Timothy R. Pauketat, Viking, 2009.


See also, The Mississippians of Cahokia, John Hendrix, New York Times, February 28, 2016

Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site


The Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site has been designated a world heritage site.





Reconstructed Palisade at Cahokia
Reconstructed Palisade at Cahokia


Satellite view of the Cahokia mounds

More on Cahokia


 New Insights into the Curious Disappearance of the Cahokia Mounds Builders, St. Louis Public Radio


external image Mound_72_Woodhenge_diagram_HRoe_2013.jpg

Mississippian Culture and Aztalan, Turning Points in Wisconsin History, Wisconsin Historical Society 


Diagram shows solstice and equinox sunset and sunrise positions at the Mound 72 Woodhenge







 Women in Cahokia


Did you know that women made up a vast majority of Cahokia farmers? 

 To learn more about women's roles as farmers in Cahokia, click here!


Cahokian Women and Burials

This article discusses the discovery of women in burial mounds that were thought to only hold men.


Girlhood and the Downfall of Cahokia

This article discusses the role of women and girls in Cahokian society along with mythology and social orders of the civilization.


   The Keller figurine, one of several flint-clay statues from the Mississippian mound-building culture unearthed at Cahokia, Ill., is seen by some scholars as ‘corn goddess’ sitting on rows of corn cobs. Others, such as Gayle Fritz of Washington University in St. Louis, suggest that the figurine is more representative of the “old mother” character common among more Souan tribes of the upper Missouri River, such as the Mandan and Hidatsa. Photo by Tim Vickers via Wikipedia Commons.

This clay statue discovered near Cahokia Mounds depicts what some scholars refer to as a "corn goddess" sitting on a row of cobs of corn. 



Dubbed "the Great Settlement" by Spanish invaders who visited the city in its prime, Etzanoa may surpass Cahokia as the largest Native American settlement in the United States.


 Etzanoa was once settled by an estimated 20,000 Wichita people and was located in present-day Arkansas City, Kansas, near the Arkansas River. It flourished between 1450 AD and 1700 AD.






Teaching Etzanoa 


Overview of Etzanoa


Overview of the Inhabitants of Etzanoa


Short overview of the unearthing of the settlement (2021)


Etzanoa: The Great Settlement (article from the Wichita State University Alumni Magazine) 

More on Etzanoa


Kansas Archaeologist Rediscovers Lost Native American City (NPR, May 10, 2017)


Wichita State professor uncovers forgotten native nation that could ‘revolutionize’ history of the Great Plains | Wichita State News


Archaeological Digs Reveal More About Lost City of Etzanoa


A 48+ minute presentation about Etzanoa delivered by Sandra Randel at the Wichita Pachyderm Club on April 5, 2019.


19th-century Wichita Indian village 

The sketch above depicts a 19th-century Wichita Indian village.

This is not Etzanoa, but it does give us a glimpse of the house stylings

of the Wichita people and the configuration of their settlement


 Equestrian statue of Juan de OñateAlcalde, New Mexico

Oriate Monument, Alcalde, New Mexico


Note: This statue was ultimately removed in June 2020 during the BLM protests, as it was

seen as a symbol of violent colonialism and a warped celebration of the Acoma Massacre.








Native Americans and Disease


The Story of . . . Smallpox—And Other Eurasian Germs, from Guns, Germs and Steel website, PBS (2005) 



CROSS-LINK:  Lord Jeffrey Amherst and the Smallpox Blankets