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Chinese Immigration to the United States

Page history last edited by Robert W. Maloy 5 months, 3 weeks ago

U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay


U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay



Topics on the Page


Historical Overview


Early Chinese Immigration to the U.S.


  • Burlingame-Seward Treaty of 1868


Chinese Immigrants in the West


Chinese Workers and Transcontinental Railroad


Chinese Exclusion Act


CROSS-LINK: Immigration Gateways and Ports of Entry




Historical Overview


Chinese Immigration is a history in two parts:


  1. From the 1850s to the 1880s before being halted by federal anti-immigration legislation
  2. From the 1970s to the present following normalization of U.S./China relations


external image 500px-Hebrew_timeline.svg.png Timeline of Chinese Immigration and Exclusion Acts (Chinese Historical Society of New England)



 Primary Sources from Harper's Weekly, The Chinese American Experience, 1857-1892



Brief overview: Immigration to the United States: 1851-1900


 Why Did the first Chinese Immigrants Come to the United States? from KCC Alterna-TV News


  • Chinese immigrants wanted to come to the US was because they were poor and they wanted to make more money to send back to their poor families.
  • Most importantly, Chinese people faced economic hardships in China.


 Chinese American Women: A History of Resilience and Resistance, National Women's History Museum


Push & Pull: Motives for the Immigration of Chinese Women to America



Cross-Link to Major Developments in Late 20th Century Chinese History


Anson Burlingame and the Burlingame-Seward Treaty of 1868

 Teaching and Learning Resource




  • This link includes a background of the causes of Chinese immigration, methods of immigration, early forms of discrimination, Chinese workers on railroads, the Chinese and the courts, and life after exclusion. This source also includes teaching strategies and multiple lesson plans.




Early Chinese Immigration to the U.S.


  • Many of the first Chinese immigrants were wealthy merchants and skilled artisans known for their hard work.
    • Well and widely received by Americans


  • In the 1880's poor unskilled workers came looking for work on railroads, to mine gold, to become cooks, and take other jobs considered 'dirty" or undesirable.
    • They worked hard for little pay.
    • Unlike the skilled Chinese immigrants who were well received, were treated negatively and attitudes were hostile towards them


File:Unity in Diversity flag.svgThis is an excellent AP US History video discussing the immigration of Chinese Americans in the 19th Century.


Another Great Video from TED-Ed describing the "Dark History of the Chinese Exclusion Act"




Chinese Immigrants in the West

Chinese Laborers on the Way to the Gold Fields

Chinese Laborers on the Way to the Gold Fields



For more, see The Chinese and Westward Expansion from the exhibit "The Chinese in California, 1850-1925" from the Library of Congress.

The Unsung Story of Chinese and Japanese Immigrants Who Brought Rice to California from Good Magazine, December 24, 2014.

Chinese in California, 1850 - 1925 from the University of California Berkeley


The Story of Ing "Doc" Hay, a Chinese herbalist in a small town in Oregon in the 1880s from Crossing East, a radio program about Asian American History

external image Transcontinental_RR_1944-3c.jpg

Chinese Workers and the Transcontinental Railroad


CROSS-LINK: Dramatic Event page: The Transcontinental Railroad





external image 500px-Hebrew_timeline.svg.png Timeline from Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project, Stanford University


Chinese-American Contribution to Transcontinental Railroad from the Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum.


  • Some 80 percent of those involved in building the Transcontinental Railroad were immigrant Chinese workers.


The Chinese Workers Strike in June 1867 from PBS American Experience.



The Only One Barred Out, Political Cartoon, 1882
The Only One Barred Out, Political Cartoon, 1882



Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882


  • The Chinese Exclusion Act was an immigration law passed in 1882 that prevented Chinese laborers from immigrating to the United States.


  • First law in American history to ban a specific racial group from entering the country
    • Angel Island Inspection Station was built in 1910



Paper Sons and Daughters



Chinese Immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Acts


Office of the Historian, United States Department of State




  • https://aapf.org/chinese-exclusion-act : This source gives a good summary of the Chinese Exclusion acts. This source also goes into detail on how women were impacted by the Chinese exclusion act. This source has good propaganda and pictures relating to the Chinese exclusion act. It also includes a video.




Chinese Immigrants in Massachusetts




Present Day Information


Asian Immigration to the United States (2016)


Chain Migration Created Today's Asian America




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