Population and Pandemics

Population (n): all the persons inhabiting a country, city, or other specified place


  Pandemic (n): a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time

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Topics on the Page


Population Growth


CROSS-LINK: Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution


Pandemics in World History






Lost Civilizations 





Library of Congress Launches COVID-19 American History Project (May 2023)



Population Growth

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 In 1804, the world's population was 1 billion.  It is currently over 7 billion.  How will the world sustain that many people going forward in the 21st century?


  7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast? a video from NPR shows population growth by continents.
















The PEW Research center projects that the population will stop growing by the end of the century. Click here to read more about it. 


Thomas Malthus and Charles Darwin

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Pandemics in World History


American Red Cross workers remove a Spanish Flu victim, 1918

American Red Cross workers remove a Spanish Flu victim, 1918



The Bubonic Plague


The 1918 Influenza Pandemic  


Social and Economic Impacts of AIDS


Corona Virus (COVID19)  


  1.  How Corona has changed the world forever and how the virus will end
  2. Timeline of the Corona Virus from the CDC    
  3. Corona virus and it's impact on education
    1. U.S Dept of Education's webpage including many resources for students and teachers   
  4.   Trump's response to Corona virus     
    1. Xenophobia from Trump regarding Corona virus  
  5.  Systematic racism in health care and it's intersection with Corona virus 


Check out COVID Campus Simulation, a game made my a professor to help student learn how COVID-19 spreads.



Lost Civilizations

Skull of Indus Valley inhabitants, Photo by Royroydeb

Skull of Indus Valley inhabitants, Photo by Royroydeb

12 Societies That Vanished in Mystery















Head sculpture from the Moche civilization
Head sculpture from the Moche civilization




Why Societies Collapse? by Jared Diamond